At present, there is a lot of money being invested in Artificial Intelligence. There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence has the capability to provide many benefits to humanity at large.

However, there is very little money being invested in “New” Natural Intelligence options for the ends of building a strategic collective memory which can provide much more benefits to humanity at large.

The facts point to the evidence that 27% of the American population is illiterate, 57% of the American population cannot read above a 6th grade level, and 1 out of every 5 citizens is entering the mental illness group.

At the same time, the American population is being engaged in increasing falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and incivility through the help of media and internet deception, distraction, and disinformation, using A.I. strategies.

Most importantly, for all an existence, the one thing that has remained constant for all human existence is war and conquest, and that is not going to change.

Therefore, to continue investing more money in Artificial Intelligence than in Natural Intelligence, through “new” life-making, life-changing, and life-saving knowledge, humanity at large will find themselves programmed mind incapable of solving the problems humanity creates.

The end point is that Artificial Intelligence is to serve Natural Intelligence and not Natural Intelligence to serve Artificial Intelligence.

I guarantee that should the prime focus for a better humanity going forward continue to be on Artificial Intelligence rather than on Natural Intelligence, humanity at large will find themselves on an accelerated course towards rising incivility and self-destruction for power control ends, fostered by A.I.

Reason being, that A.I. will continue to keep humanity at large imprisoned to an irrational thinking mind mode capability, working against the progress and evolvement demands of the human species.


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